Privacy Policy

We Collect

Personal Information

When you book a tour, we will collect personal information such as your name, email address, country of citizenship, phone number, and payment details.

Documents & licenses

To facilitate your participation in the tour you book, we may collect copies of your passport, driver license, international driving permit, travel insurance policy, and visa (if applicable).

Travel Preferences

We may collect information about your travel preferences, including destination preferences, special requests, and any other details relevant to your travel plans.

Usage Data

We automatically collect information about your interactions with our website, including the pages you visit, your IP address, browser type, and other usage data.

How We Use
Your Information

Booking & Reservations

To process your booking, send booking confirmations to you, book with third-party service providers on your behalf, and provide essential travel information to you.

Tour Facilitation

To avoid disappointment by ensuring you have the required licenses, documents and visas to be able to participate fully in the tour you book.

Customer Support

To respond to your inquiries, provide customer support, and address any issues you may encounter.

Marketing & Promotions

To send you promotional materials, newsletters, and information about special offers, unless you opt out.

Improving Services

To analyse user behaviour, improve our website, and enhance the overall user experience.


Service Providers

We share your information with third-party service providers in Japan to facilitate any tour that you book with us. We will only share your information when necessary and only to the extent required to facilitate any tour that you book.

Legal Compliance

We may disclose your information if required by law or in response to legal requests.

Business Transactions

In the event of a merger, acquisition, or sale of our business, your information may be transferred to the new owners.

You Choices

Opting Out

You can opt out of receiving marketing communications from us by following the instructions provided in our communications.

Disposing of
your information

Marketing Communication

If you choose to opt out of receiving marketing communications, we will securely dispose of your personal information that was used for that purpose.

Tour Documents / Licenses

We will securely dispose of copies of any documents or licenses of yours that we possess at the completion of any tour that you book with us.


Data Protection

We implement reasonable security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

Changes to this
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Updates

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time, and any changes will be posted on our website. Please review this Policy periodically for updates.